"I consider the other person's differences in choosing words." "I realize that another's emotions affect how they receive my words." "I get good, friendly feedback to all my communications." "I use verbal communications to insure friendly feedback." "I use written communications for clarity and future reference." "I use both written AND verbal communications when needed." "I avoid making ANY assumptions when communicating." "I avoid `blaming' others for mistakes in communications." "I eliminate big words and sentences in my communications." "I make written communications as warm and friendly as spoken ones." "In communicating, I focus on MY clarity, and others' understanding." "When communications go wrong, I see what I could have done better." "I stay aware of other person's `body-language' and reactions." "I keep everyone fully informed and never in the dark about things." "When I am critical, I end the communication on a positive note." "I often explain something several different ways to help clarity." "I don't make other person feel dumb when getting feedback." "I consider others' educational and social differences when talking." "I try to `feed the grapevine' good information." "When upset or angry, I delay any critical communications if I can."